The capacity to see the innocence in others and to love without condition is the heart that I bring to our therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Knowing that hurt people, hurt people and that we are all doing our best gives me the ability to provide care with non-judgment when you may be feeling you are at your worst. I will treat you with kindness, respect and demonstrate healthy boundaries to provide a stable therapeutic nurse-client relationship for your healing. Most important is that I have transformed my own life. I have myself struggled and found the light within, I have embraced the healed mind I teach. I have done the work and although I am still learning I am happy and choose peace and to be love in the world. I have a duty and calling to help others find the peace I have.
I have over 14 years of service as a Registered Nurse in Elgin County working on a Schedule 1 Mental Health and Addictions Unit, in addition to 10 years of part-time experience on an Acute Medical Unit. In the last 14 years, I have done both psychiatric consultations in the emergency department at the St.Thomas Elgin General Hospital and attended to the Elgin County crisis phone line when it was based out Joseph's Health Care London. My years of experience in mental health, and accompanying heart-centered approach give me exceptional psychiatric assessment, crisis intervention, and de-escalation skills.
I have a bachelor of science degree in Nursing (BScN), with a special interest in psychology and philosophy from Ryerson University. I have completed additional education for my psychotherapist role including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) through Wilfred Laurier University, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) with Dr. Marsha Linehan, and Motivational interviewing. I have additional training certificates in Safe Management and Crisis Intervention Training for High-Risk Clients, RNAO Best Practice Champion for Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationships, P.I.E.C.E.S education: a model approach to assessment and treatment for older adults with complex physical and cognitive/mental health needs and behavioural changes, CPR, and Crucial Conversations.
I provide holistic care with the goal of healing the whole person. A holistic approach incorporates physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Care is tailored to support the individual in their religious affiliations or beliefs regardless of what they may be. As an RN Psychotherapist I am able to assist you with and help you understand your physical health concerns including withdrawal and medication management.
I am an advocate for client informed consent. I will advocate for your rights, access to resources, and empower you to make informed health care decisions. We are all equally deserving of respect, help, warmth, and kindness.
Research and science are foundational to my practice. Having a science degree, I have the continued motivation to incorporate evidence-based decisions in my personal life as well as professionally. I use critical thinking, discernment, and my research literacy to guide evidence-based practice. WIth evidence-based knowledge, I can tailor your care specifically to your needs based on the most current and up-to-date research.
Discord within results from thoughts and actions against the truth. Pain, melancholy, and indifference are brought to life by choosing illusion and disregarding reality. All while truth awaits quietly, with no pressure, sounding no alarm; except for the gentle call heard only in the heart. The heart is shepherd to the truth, guiding and leading in love. When truth is finally elected and surrendered into, peace, joy, and a heart full of love are realized. There are no chains needed to stay here; for once it is found it is clung to with a strength that leaves the ego breathless and with no recourse.
Copyright © 2021 Amanda Hindley, RN Psychotherapist/ Nurse Case Manager inc.- All Rights Reserved.