RN Psychotherapy services (not online course) are Confidential and private care is provided in accordance with the College of Nurses of Ontario guidelines. Your health information is documented and stored in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Administration, licensing, insurance, planning and documentation time included in pricing.
per 50 minute Zoom session or in person
6 Month Online Course
Learn the skills and tools to be your own therapist
Find happiness within
Heal past trauma and addiction
Learn CBT and self regulation skill
Weekly Office hours group and opportunity for specific advice from Amanda and peers.
I use the protected title "RN Psychotherapist" under the Regulated Health Professionals Act, 1991. My RN Psychotherapy services are covered under "Psychotherapy" Or "Other health" with insurance providers. I will help you to advocate for service coverage if needed as RN Psychotherapy is new, and some insurance companies are still reviewing this coverage.
My professional registration and regulating body to provide Psychotherapy is the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). My registration number is 07307808.
The CNO is one of the 6 colleges approved to regulate the controlled act of psychotherapy as per the RHPA, 1991.
This Service is offered outside of my Nursing services and is not covered by benefits. This service is however offered across North America. Reach out to healedmindinfo@gmail.com
Healed Mind Therapy Online Course is accessible to everyone regardless of their location. The cost is kept low so that you can get the education that is given in private psychotherapy on your own time at an more accessible and affordable rate.
1)Weekly office Hour and Support Group with Amanda. Don't worry if you cant make it, what you missed is always posted for you to watch later. 2) Online Course done at your own pace includes 2 weekly videos (5-20 minutes each) to watch and a weekly reflection X 24 weeks. 3) Community of like minded individuals that offer you support, and help you to reinforce the course learning in a warm and non-judgemental environment.
*COST EFFECTIVE -One month of the course and 4 weekly group sessions is less than the cost of 1 individual session ($150CAD/session)*
One time payment of $600 USD or $780 CAD for the 6 months course, weekly office hours (and recordings) and access to the online facebook support group.
Access the first month Free - Try the first month free without the office hours or support group before you decide if it is for you. Once you pay you will have access the full course to do at your own pace and have access to weekly office hours and the recording of previous office hours.
We meet weekly in a group of like minded people who have a similar motivation to create change in their life. Each Office Hours includes education on Healed Mind Therapy, individual shares and support, and questions and advice based on specific examples from your life from Amanda and peers. We will be on the Zoom Platform lasting 1 hour on
Tuesdays at 8:30pm EST, 9:30pm Atlantic, 7:30pm Central, 6:30pm Mountain, 5:30pm Pacific, 10pm Newfoundland time.
Cant Make it? No Sweat!! The office hours will be available the next day on Skool to watch at your leisure <3
At your own time and pace, through the Skool Platform (on desktop or download the app to your phone) you can learn all the skills you need to transform your life. With 6 blocks and 6 months worth of content, 24 weekly lessons in Healed Mind Theory and Philosophy, 10 Self regulation skills, and 10 psychology skills with instructions you will learn to become your own therapist.
Integration of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy skills, mindfulness skills and the Healed Mind Therapy philosophy and psychology you will transform your life to have more peace, better relationships, increase in self love and releasing of behavioural and chemical addictions.
You will be given access to the full after payment. Check out the intro Course to see the of the first block for free here:
Join Our Online Community for course information, updates and community support for this path on Facebook once you decide if the course is for you.
Are you interested in completely changing your life and happiness level? Are you ready to learn how to be your own therapist and be supported in a community of like-minded people motivated for change?
Click the link below or email healedmindinfo@gmail.com With your name and we will send you the access to the into course for free.
You can also ask questions about the course, or request a call if you feel may be helpful.
Copyright © 2021 Amanda Hindley, RN Psychotherapist/ Nurse Case Manager inc.- All Rights Reserved.